Ideology and Science


Mind Map on Ideology and Science, created by dannildct on 01/05/2014.
Mind Map by dannildct, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dannildct about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ideology and Science
  1. Science as a belief system
    1. Popper- science is an open belief system subjected to criticism.
      1. science is based on falsification which provides us with knowledge and proof BUT it can always be proven wrong
        1. Merton- CUDOS norms promote the knowledge by encouraging belief and openness
          1. Horton- sees science as an open belief system unlike religion as its claims can't be over turned like scientific ones.
            1. Khun- science such as physics is based on a shared set of assumptions, so therefore is a closes belief system. This is because education and training makes scientist believe in the paradigm
              1. Marxists and feminists see science in serving the dominate groups (the ruling class, and men) as many developments are in the interest of serving the capitalism's needs.
                1. postmodernists reject science to have the truth
                2. Ideology as a belief system
                  1. Marxists see society as two classes
                    1. The ruling class exploit the working class
                      1. it is in the interest of the working class to over throw the ruling class but this can't happen as they are unaware of being exploited (Class Consciousness)
                        1. ruling class ideology prevents this from happening.
                      2. feminists see the patriarchal domination as being oppressive.
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