SAB9#34 Detail PMIS


Mind Map on SAB9#34 Detail PMIS, created by David Martinez Cruz on 27/02/2016.
David Martinez Cruz
Mind Map by David Martinez Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago
David Martinez Cruz
Created by David Martinez Cruz about 8 years ago

Resource summary

SAB9#34 Detail PMIS
  1. Configuration management system
    1. Project documents are update (document repository)
      1. Version control
        1. Baseline and release information
          1. Audits & review
            1. Documented process
              1. Build, integrated and deploy scripts
              2. Work authorization system
                1. Defines how work is assigned to people


                  • Make sure that the right people are notified of changes
                2. Change control system
                  1. Set of procedures that lets you make changes in a organized way
                  2. Project management information system
                    1. is the coherent organization of the information required for an organization to execute projects successfully
                      1. one or more software applications
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