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Skeletal and Muscular System
Mind Map on Skeletal and Muscular System, created by xxalishaxx20111 on 04/15/2013.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Skeletal and Muscular System
Flexion- angle of joint decreases, e.g. arms bent at elbow in preparation for a chess pass
Extension- angle of joint increases, e.g. tennis player making serve with arm at full length
Abduction- limbs move away from the body, e.g. gymnast moving hands towards vault
Adduction- limbs are brought towards the body, e.g. swimmer performing butterfly brings towards body in pull phase
Sporting Movements
Muscular System
Three major bones located in the leg; femur, patella and fibula
Two muscles located in the leg: quadriceps and hamstring
Skeletal System
Functions of the skeleton: movement, shape, protection, support, blood produesion
Four types of bone: long bone- femur, tibia, ulnar(movement) short bone- phalanges, carpals, tarsals(distribute weight/shock absorbers)
Flat bone- cranium, ribs, sternum(protection of vital organs/attach muscles)
Irregular bone- vertebral column, face(shape/support)
Three functions of the skeleton: shape, protection, support
What is aerobic?:When your body converts glucose to energy with the presence of oxygen and produces water and carbon dioxide as waste products
What is meant by anaerobic?:When your body converts glucose to energy without oxygen and produces latic acid as a waste product.
Joints and movements
Tendons attach bone to muscle, Ligiments attach bones to bones
The point where the muscle is fixed e.g. the nearest flat bone to the muscle is called the origin
The point where the muscle moves e.g. the part of the body it puts into motion is called the insertion
Origin for biceps and triceps is at the shoulder. The body is moved by groups not individual muslces
Muscles work in pairs, as muscles can only pull therefore need to work in partnership so movement can occur.
The pulling muscle is called the prime mover (agonist)
When a muscle pulls it contracts or becomes shorter.
Muscles work in antagonistic pairs
Antagonistic pairs abilities are to relax and contract which effects the range of flexibility at a joint.
Synovial joint are freely moveable. They are important to a sportsperson as they allow the greatest amount of movement+flexibility.
Pivot joint- neck and only allows you to rotate.
Gliding joint- ankle and a little bit of movement in every direction.
Condyloid joint- wrist and movement forwards and backwards and left to right.
Hinge joint- elbow and movement, flexion and extension.
Ball + Socket- shoulder and neck movement in all directions and rotation.
The muscle that relaxes is called the antagonist. When a muscle relaxes in lengthens
Fast Twitch
They contract fast
They are white
Used when quick reactions
Limited oxygen supply
Used with short bursts of energy
Used for sports such as javelin, high jump etc.
Both muscle fibres
Slow twitch
Red in colour
contract many times
efecient over long periods of time
very good oxygen supply
gives energy
10,000m running race (aerobic sport)
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