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Education Bills of 1902 + 1906
Mind Map on Education Bills of 1902 + 1906, created by graceharvey123 on 01/09/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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about 11 years ago
Resource summary
Education Bills of 1902 + 1906
1902 Education Act
Britains national efficiency was inferior to European nations. Education seen as solution
Duke of Devonshire and Balfour created bill
Chamberlain and Salisbury dubious- anticipated nonconformist rage
provide new structure for elementary and secondary education
LEA's created to replace old school boards
Old school boards illegally used rates to fund secondary education
LEA's would control elementary + secondary education and had to support Church schools using rates
caused political outrage- nonconformists didn't want ratepayers money to fund Anglican schools.
Liberals opposed bill as many of their supporters were nonconformists
Proposed solution to outrage: allowing LEA's to decide how to spend rates.
Balfour argued against this, stating that it would then always be a politcally argued issue at local level
also that Anglican schools would be left with hostile local councils.
Tory's supported Balfour, and bill was still passed.
Political Effects: negative effect on Unionist government- refusal to pay rates, bitter opposition from nonconformists
Liberals benefited - noncomformity revived from its decline and party splits over Boer War mended
1906 Education Bill
Created by new Liberal government to pay-back nonconformist supporters after 1092 Act - pity
Proposed that all schools should be taken over by local authorities
LA's would appoint teachers without religious testing
only general religious teaching to be taught
specific religion taught when 4/5 of parents requested it
Outraged Anglicans - didn't support their religion
No compromise could be made in HOL - Liberals were forced to withdraw the bill
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