

Popular Music Studies - Key Terms
Mind Map by hn_274, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hn_274 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The more credible the artist, the less they seem interested in profit. They do what they do for the their love of it, and to express themselves
    1. Pandering to capitalism is considered "selling out"
      1. Art and commerce, independant and corporate, underground and mainstream or losing touch with their audience by changing styles or using commercial production techniques
        1. "Folk art" scene of 60s was central to art and commerce debate. Rock considered authentic because of its roots in music traditions (blues) merit as art music (psych, prog)
    2. Play their own instruments to a high standard. Idea of virtuosity and genuine talent
      1. Write their own songs
        1. Autodidactism. "natural talent" and being self taught was perhaps valued more than the "classically trained" musician. eg - Jimi Hendrix
        2. Some production values are values more than others. Some technology can be regarded as "cheating" for example, auto-tuned vocals
          1. Simon Frith, 1986 "Art Versus Technology: The Strange Case of Popular Music" quoted "the continuing core of rock ideology is that raw sounds are more authentic than cooked sounds."
            1. Folk cultures focus on "an expression of the feelings and experiences of everyday reality" (Redhead and Street, 1989) Music of the people; production and instrumentation often simple - one guitar.
            2. Expression and engagement with cultures, audiences and communities
              1. Issues of race, gender and class. Some genres are considered "suitable" depending on these things.
                1. Rock considered more "masculine" than pop. Blues, jazz, hip hop and gospel considered "black music" and popular music considered music for the middle/lower class
                  1. A rich, privaledged person singing about the woes of being poor would be considered inauthentic
              2. Authenticity can be used to market artists, as it is a socially constructed concept. fans are self aware and are accepting of an artists mythologized image.
                1. Historical continuity. Genres considered inauthentic at the time, may be regarded otherwise later in time.
                  1. Motown was considered commercial pop, but has not received retrospective commercial acclaim.
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