Hobbies and Interests


Mind Map on Hobbies and Interests, created by ashi12009 on 01/12/2014.
Mind Map by ashi12009, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashi12009 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hobbies and Interests
  1. Hobbies
    1. Listening to Music
      1. Justin Bieber
        1. Austin Mahone
        2. Reading Books
          1. Horror
            1. Thriller
              1. Young Love
              2. Playing Sports
                1. Soccer
                  1. Assistant Coach
                  2. Basketball
                    1. Badminton
                    2. Shopping
                      1. Shoes
                        1. Clothes
                        2. Watching Movies
                          1. Horror
                            1. The Conjuring
                              1. Paranormal Activity
                                1. Incidious
                                  1. Scream
                                    1. Dead Silence
                                      1. The Haunting in Conneticut
                                        1. Grave Encounters
                                        2. Animation
                                          1. Despicable Me
                                            1. Tinker Bell
                                              1. Monsters Inc.
                                            2. Eating
                                              1. Indian
                                                1. Chinese
                                                  1. Mexican
                                                  2. Playing Games
                                                    1. XBox
                                                      1. Call of Duty
                                                      2. Wii
                                                        1. Just Dance
                                                        2. IPod
                                                          1. Minion Rush
                                                        3. Cooking/Baking
                                                          1. Cakes
                                                            1. Cupcakes
                                                              1. Truffles
                                                                1. Cookies
                                                                  1. Pasta
                                                                2. Interests
                                                                  1. Music
                                                                    1. Justin Bieber
                                                                      1. Austin Mahone
                                                                      2. Movies
                                                                        1. Horror
                                                                          1. The Conjuring
                                                                            1. Incidious
                                                                              1. Dead Silence
                                                                                1. Etc.
                                                                                2. Animation
                                                                                  1. Despicable Me
                                                                                    1. Tinker Bell
                                                                                      1. Monsters Inc.
                                                                                    2. Being a Dentist
                                                                                      1. Traveling
                                                                                        1. Went to
                                                                                          1. Montreal
                                                                                            1. Buffalo
                                                                                              1. India
                                                                                                1. England
                                                                                                2. Want to go to
                                                                                                  1. Korea
                                                                                                    1. Italy
                                                                                                      1. Fiji
                                                                                                        1. Malaysia
                                                                                                      2. Books
                                                                                                        1. Horror
                                                                                                          1. Thriller
                                                                                                            1. Young Love
                                                                                                            2. Finishing School
                                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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