Elements of Bureaucracy


Mind Map on Elements of Bureaucracy, created by Tom Piggott on 01/14/2014.
Tom Piggott
Mind Map by Tom Piggott, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Piggott
Created by Tom Piggott about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Elements of Bureaucracy
  1. division of labour-definitions of authority and responsibility
    1. organisation of positions into a hierachy
      1. Assignment of people to positions
        1. written recording of decisions/actions=provides continuity
          1. all subject to rules/procedures applied impersonally and equally
            1. Fayol-plan,organise,command, co-ordinate and to control
              1. 14 principles=notion of teaching management
                1. unlike taylor, = interested in activities of managers at every level
              2. Universal approach
                1. adoption of 14 principles=too contraining
                  1. fayol=only account change of organisations size
                    1. ommited variables like culture and technology
                      1. focused on internal optimisation rather than external adaptability
                  2. behavioral approach
                    1. successful management= harness skills by meeting needs.=people centered=soft
                      1. critised as being to confusing, regardless to human relations
                      2. recognises importance of people
                        1. synonymous with human relations movement
                        2. Hawthrone experiment
                          1. Harvard uni-western electric-Hawthrone plant-1920's
                            1. plant = most advanced= employed 29000-produced phones/telecomiunications
                              1. relationship between productivity+work place lighting
                                1. 6 workers= removed form production, normal work in enclosed space
                                  1. conclusions
                                    1. aptitude=imperfect predictors of job performance
                                      1. informal organisation-affects productivity
                                        1. workplace=social system
                                          1. work satisfaction-recognition+sense of belonging
                                        2. Each lighting change=increased employee satisfaction
                                          1. Elton Mayo joined
                                            1. chosen=higher status by co-workers
                                              1. attention=changes in worker performance
                                                1. productivity=attitudes of workers and informal policy, i.e. social effects.
                                                  1. Called this the Hawthrone effect
                                        3. Douglas McGregor
                                          1. x/y theory
                                            1. x=traditional view= negative view of workers
                                              1. unmotivated, unwilling
                                                1. assume people dislike work, avoid when can, must be threatened before the work, avoid responsilibity
                                              2. Y theory= positive view, employees= energetic, creative, willing
                                                1. work=natural, capable of self-direction, come committed to organizational objectives, seek, accept responsibility, imagination, ingenuity, creativity
                                                2. employees have satisfiers+dissatisfiers
                                                  1. dis=poliy, admin, supervision, salaray, work conditions
                                                    1. sat= achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, growth
                                                3. human resource stratergy
                                                  1. manage manpower + design jobs=human resources are- effciently utilised within constraints, have quality of work life in atmosphere of trust
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