The sounds of language: Phonetics


Advanced placement Introduction to Linguistics Mind Map on The sounds of language: Phonetics, created by Alexia Romero on 12/03/2016.
Alexia Romero
Mind Map by Alexia Romero, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexia Romero
Created by Alexia Romero about 8 years ago

Resource summary

The sounds of language: Phonetics
  1. Acoustic
    1. Physical properties of speech as sound waves in the air
    2. Forensic
      1. Identifying the speaker by analyzing his pronunciation, accent, etc.
      2. Articulatory
        1. How the speech sounds are made
        2. The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds
          1. Sounds
            1. Consonants
              1. Voicing
                1. Voiceless
                  1. The vocal folds don't vibrate
                    1. [p], [f], [θ], [h], [t], [s], [ʃ], [ʧ]
                  2. Voiced
                    1. The vocal folds vibrate
                      1. [b], [m], [w], [v], [ð], [d], [z], [n], [l], [r], [ʒ], [ʤ], [j], [g], [ŋ]
                  3. The place of articulation
                    1. Where the sounds are articulated in the vocal organs
                      1. Bilabials
                        1. The two lips touch to create this sound
                          1. [p], [b], [m]
                        2. Labiodentals
                          1. Upper teeth, and lower lip touch for these sounds
                            1. [f], [v]
                          2. Dentals
                            1. The tip of the tongue goes behind the upper front teeth
                              1. [θ], [ð]
                            2. Alveolars
                              1. Sounds formed with the front part of the tongue and alveolar ridge
                                1. [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l], [r]
                              2. Alveolo-palatal
                                1. Sounds formed with the tongue at the very front of the palate, near the alveolar ridge
                                  1. [ʃ], [ʧ], [ʒ], [ʤ], [j]
                                2. Velars
                                  1. You put the back of the tongue, against the velum
                                    1. [ŋ], [w], [k], [g]
                                  2. Glottal
                                    1. Sound formed with the tongue and other parts of the mouth
                                      1. [h]
                                  3. The manner of articulation
                                    1. How the sounds are articulated.
                                      1. Stops / Plosives
                                        1. Stop the airstream, and let it go abruptly
                                          1. [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [ɡ]
                                        2. Fricatives
                                          1. Almost blocking he airstream
                                            1. [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ], [h]
                                          2. Affricates
                                            1. Briefly stopping the airstream, and causing friction when releasing it
                                              1. [ʧ], [ʤ].
                                            2. Nasal
                                              1. The airstream flows through the nose
                                                1. [m], [n], [ŋ],
                                              2. Approximants
                                                1. Glides
                                                  1. Voiced sounds. The tongue moves from or to the position of a vowel.
                                                    1. [w], [j]
                                                  2. Liquids
                                                    1. Voiced sounds. The air flows around the sides of the tongue, and the tip touches the middle of the alveolar ridge
                                                      1. [l], [r]
                                                  3. Glottal stops
                                                    1. The glottis gets completely closed, and then opened
                                                      1. Oh oh! Uh-uh
                                                    2. Flap
                                                      1. The tongue tip taps the alveolar ridge for a short moment
                                                        1. Represented as [D], [ɾ].
                                                          1. Used in words such as ladder, latter, medal, metal, writer, rider
                                                  4. Vowels
                                                    1. Diphthongs
                                                      1. Front/Central/Back
                                                        1. High/Mid/Low
                                                      2. Auditory
                                                        1. How speech sounds are received by the ear.
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