Textile properties and characteristics


Mind Map on Textile properties and characteristics, created by kathryntaylor1 on 01/14/2014.
Mind Map by kathryntaylor1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kathryntaylor1 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Textile properties and characteristics
  1. Portfolio of textiles with detailed descriptions
    1. evaluate the use of each fabric for an item/use
      1. selection of textile items provided - learners discuss each fabric in detail relating to characteristic
        1. from a selection of fabrics - identify the occasion, style of clothing and job that they are fit for and explain their suitability for the end use
        2. link catwalk, magazine, internet images of fashion/textile items to a fabric - evaluate their suitability in relation to the end product
          1. investigate the various process of fibres to fabrics - ie wool, polyamide/nylon, silk, cotton
          2. introduce topic
            1. DVD
              1. class discussion
                1. www.bbc.bitesize for worksheet and information on fibres/fabrics
                2. selection of textile items - evaluate suitability for their purpose
                  1. create mind map of a range of textile items and their necessary and desirable qualities
                  2. experiments of fabrics/fibre
                    1. test fibres/fabrics for colour fastness, strength, pilling, flammability
                      1. evaluate test result
                    2. introduce construction techniques
                      1. folio of more complex construction techniques - descriptors and examples when suitable
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