textile construction skills and surface decoration


Mind Map on textile construction skills and surface decoration, created by kathryntaylor1 on 01/14/2014.
Mind Map by kathryntaylor1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kathryntaylor1 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

textile construction skills and surface decoration
  1. create mini mood board book with a range of contruction techniques
    1. using a range of fashion/textile items, examine the construction techniques used to construct the item
    2. use design briefs to make a range of complex items
      1. develop construction skills and techniques
        1. dresses
          1. jackets
            1. skirts
              1. bags
                1. soft furnishings
                  1. purse
                  2. shirts
              2. make a range of items
            2. skills developed
              1. cross pinning, cutting out, tacking, pattern markings, seams, creating shape ie darts, application of pockets, insertion of lining, attaching facings, overlocking, hems, cuffs, waistbands, application of trims, hand stitching
                1. zip insertion, application of buttons and creating buttonholes, application of pockets, creating and applying collar
                  1. finishing, pressing, trimming
                    1. hand and machine embroidery, bead work, applique, sequins, transfers, ribbon, braiding
                    2. link to fabric properties
                      1. make item suitable for their purpose
                        1. outdoor clothing
                          1. occasion wear
                            1. sportswear
                              1. schoolwear
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