Lendo e Gravando XML


Delphi (XML) Mind Map on Lendo e Gravando XML, created by jr.desenvolvimento on 18/01/2014.
Mind Map by jr.desenvolvimento, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jr.desenvolvimento over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Lendo e Gravando XML
  1. Add clientDataset
    1. Crie a estrutura
      1. Fields Editor
        1. New Field
      2. botão direito
        1. Create DataSet
          1. Save to My Base XML
            1. grava no formato DataPacket
              1. nativo do clientDataset
                1. possui metadados
          2. XML Mapper
            1. Painel Direita
              1. botão direito
                1. Open Datapacket
                  1. Select All
                    1. create xml from datapacket
                  2. Save XML Document
                    1. padrão W3C
                    2. Painel Central
                      1. Create Transformation
                        1. Direction: DataPacket to XML
                          1. Save Transformation
                            1. Padrão: toXML.dpr
                        2. Mude Direction
                          1. XML to DataPacket
                            1. Save Transformation
                              1. Padrão: toDP.dpr
                        3. Add xmlTransformationProvider
                          1. TransformationRead
                            1. TransformationFile
                              1. toDP.dpr
                            2. TransformationWrite
                              1. TransformationFile
                                1. toXML.dpr
                              2. XMLData
                                1. XML Document
                              3. no clientDataSet
                                1. ProviderName = xmlTransformationProvider
                                  1. Salvar
                                    1. cds_dados.ApplyUpdates(-1)
                                    2. Insert
                                      1. cds_dados.Insert;
                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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