Jobs within the Art & Design Industry


Mind Map on Jobs within the Art & Design Industry, created by Elora Kadir on 01/25/2014.
Elora Kadir
Mind Map by Elora Kadir, updated more than 1 year ago
Elora Kadir
Created by Elora Kadir almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Jobs within the Art & Design Industry
  1. Museums/Galleries
    1. Curator, Art Historian, Conservationist, Auction Houses, Art Dealer, Gallery Owners
    2. Photography
      1. Animation, Illustration, Publishing
        1. Tattooist, Game Design
        2. Graphic Design
          1. Advertising, Web Design, Marketing
          2. Fashion
            1. Designer, Pattern Cutter, Tailor, Jewellery, Print Design, Milliner
            2. Architecture
              1. Interior Design
                1. Joiner, Restoration, Upholstering, Carpenter
                2. Landscape Design, Draughtsman
                3. 3D Design & Print
                  1. Spacial Design, Product Design
                  2. Art Therapist
                    1. Education
                      1. Performing Arts
                        1. Stage Design, Costume Design, Make Up Artist, Prosthetics, Cinematography, Set Design
                        2. Retail
                          1. Visual Merchandiser, Buyer
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