Tesla Motor Inc.


Mind Map on Tesla Motor Inc., created by JuanMa Romero Gb on 18/04/2016.
JuanMa Romero Gb
Mind Map by JuanMa Romero Gb, updated more than 1 year ago
JuanMa Romero Gb
Created by JuanMa Romero Gb about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tesla Motor Inc.
  1. Energy Innovation
    1. battery efficiency four times larger than the competitions
      1. More miles per battery charger.
      2. High Performance electric Cars
        1. up to 300 miles before needing to charge up
          1. from zero to 60 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds.
          2. sustainability mission
            1. make an alternative to fossil fuel cars
              1. zero-emissions vehicles.
                1. Creating Share value
                  1. Reductions of CO2 and Greenhouse effects
                    1. Tesla recycle their battery
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