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Mount Merapi volcano case study.(170m high and erupting since the 1950s).
Mind Map on Mount Merapi volcano case study.(170m high and erupting since the 1950s)., created by chrisanne96mathew on 02/02/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Mount Merapi volcano case study.(170m high and erupting since the 1950s).
Located in Indonesia in South East Asia.North of Yogakarta and the West of Solo on the island of Java.
Located on a destructive plate margin on a subduction zone and is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire
Eruption caused by the Indo-Australian plate being subducted underneath the Eurasian plate
Primary Effects
Volcanic bombs and hot gases upto 800 degrees celsius and spread over upto 11km away
Pyroclastic flows spread 3km down the mountain
Ash fell upto 30km away and five metres into the sky and many villages were under 30cm of ash.
Secondary effects
Emergency shelters had to be moved over 15km away
Vegetable prices increased due to damage of crops
Planes grounded in Western Australia due to risk of damage to aircrafts from ash cloud
Over 270,00 people in the area had to flee their homes
Positive impacts
Ash from volcano leads to fertile soils in the area and conservation areas ave been set up where it is unsafe to live
Negative impacts
273 people were killed and upto 577 people were injured and also 36,000 people were displaced from their homes
The evacuation centres soon became overcrowded leading to poor sanitation, no privacy and serious risk of disease
A lot of people, especially farmers, lost their livelihoods
Short term responses
1600 people(millitary/volunteers) took part in the national response
International aid was offered from organisations such as the RED CROSS.
210 evacuation centres were set up
Long term responses
2862 people were moved to new, safer and permanent houses
The government has made money available to help farmers replace their livestock
Formal evacuation centres have also been set up
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