

Mind Map on Asch, created by susan- on 02/02/2014.
Mind Map by susan-, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by susan- about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Aims and Context
    1. End of WW1, holocaust and rise of communism
      1. Conformity
        1. Group pressure on individuals in unambiguous situations
        2. Jenness
          1. Jelly beans: how many were in the bottle?
            1. Asked individually, then in a group then asked to make an individual estimate again
              1. Almost all changed to nearer the group estimate
        3. Procedures
          1. 123 male college students. From 3 colleges. Voluntary basis
            1. Vision experiment: really investigating conformity
              1. 6-8 confederates. 1 naïve participant; sat last or second last
                1. 2 large cards
                  1. One standard line
                    1. Three lines from varied length: 1 quarter to 1 and 3 quarters
                    2. Give same wrong answer: 12 out of the 18 trials were critical
                      1. Answer out loud
                        1. After: p's debriefed and interviewed
                        2. Findings and Conclusions
                          1. Control trials: less than 1% made mistakes
                            1. Critical trials: naïve p's gave wrong answers 37% of the time
                              1. 25% of p's never gave a wrong answer
                                1. 75% of p's conformed at least once
                                2. Participant behaviour over the critical trials tended to be consistent
                                  1. yielding p's underestimated the frequency with which they conformed and gave excuses
                                    1. Strong tendency to conform to group pressures
                                      1. Factors affect conformity: size of the group and the presence of the dissenter
                                        1. People do resist conformity: two thirds of the trial p's were independent
                                          1. Asch's two important findings
                                            1. There was any conformity at all
                                              1. Most people can resist the pressure to conform
                                            2. Methodology
                                              1. Method
                                                1. Lab experiment
                                                  1. Controlled easily
                                                    1. Artificial and does not resemble real life
                                                  2. Validity
                                                    1. Did not know each other. Conform more if they do not know each other 'Williams and Sogan'
                                                      1. Answer out loud. Conformity increases when answering out loud 'Moscovici'
                                                      2. Reliability
                                                        1. Lacked reliability due to similar studies finding lower levels: 'Larson' and 'Perrin and Spencer'
                                                        2. Sample
                                                          1. People in individualist cultures (like the US) may conform less 'Smith and Bond'
                                                            1. Men have been shown to conform less than women 'Neto'
                                                            2. Ethics
                                                              1. Deception
                                                                1. Psychological harm: distress and embarrassment
                                                              2. Alternative Evidence
                                                                1. Jenness
                                                                  1. Jelly beans
                                                                  2. Perrin and Spencer
                                                                    1. Youths on probation
                                                                    2. Perrin and Spencer
                                                                      1. Same study but only one person conformed
                                                                      2. Smith and Bond
                                                                        1. Collective countries were more conformist than individualist ones
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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