Gaseous Exchanges in the Lungs


Mind Map on Gaseous Exchanges in the Lungs, created by gnatzo on 02/03/2014.
Mind Map by gnatzo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gnatzo about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Gaseous Exchanges in the Lungs
  1. The THORAX is the upper part of the body (chest, etc.), the ABDOMEN is the lower part (stomach, etc.) Between these is a muscle called the DIAPHRAGM.
    1. The diaphragm is below the lungs.
      1. Intercostal muscles RELAX
        1. Ribs 'move down'.
          1. Diaphragm relaxes; becomes more of a curve
            1. This causes the opposite effect to breathing in. The volume decreases and the pressure increases, causing air to be pushed out
          2. BREATHING IN
            1. Intercostal muscles CONTRACT
              1. Ribs 'move upwards and outwards'.
                1. Diaphragm contracts; becomes a more horizontal shape below the lungs.
                  1. These cause the lungs to expand, they have a higher volume and low pressure. This low pressure is unbalanced with the higher pressure outside the lungs, and therefore air is drawn in
                2. Within the lungs is a network of tubes through which air is able to pass. Air is firstly warmed, moistened and filtered as it travels through the mouth and nasal passages. It then passes through the trachea and down one of the two bronchi and into one of the lungs.
                  1. Gas Exchange
                    1. the 'swapping’ of gases between the alveolar air and the blood
                    2. Ventilation
                      1. The movement of air out and into the lungs.
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