
Mind Map on THE NECKLACE, created by Chantal Makonnen on 11/05/2016.
Chantal Makonnen
Mind Map by Chantal Makonnen, updated more than 1 year ago
Chantal Makonnen
Created by Chantal Makonnen almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. parsian society: triangle of rich and poor
    1. presented as being based on appearances
      1. rich: (keeping up) appearances
        1. poor: (has aspirations to be rich) work
        2. para;1
          1. 'pretty delight'-appearance, no downy, no expectation-economics
          2. para;2
            1. 'natural guile' (wisdom), 'instinctive elegance', 'adapt ability', 'hierachy'
            2. para;3
              1. 'unhappy', 'angry', 'aspirations'-refinement and luxury, 'she dreamed'- imagery of luxury, 'oriental tapestries', 'bronze candelabras'
              2. para; 4
                1. she dreamed of elegant dinners, 'exquisite dishes', 'pretty compliments'
                2. para;5
                  1. aspirations- 'popular, envied, attractive and in demand'
                  2. para;7
                    1. formal invitation
                      1. Madam Loisel:
                        1. 'irritable', 'peevish', compared to her husband, 'dismay', devestated'
                        2. -says:
                          1. 'there's nothing so humiliating as to look poor with women who are rich', 'ungrateful, shallow, materialistic, desperate and will never be satisfied'
                          2. the jewels aren't impressive enough for her even though they are luxrious
                            1. the necklace affects her because she becomes immoderate desire


                              • overwheml
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