
Mind Map on SALES, created by andrew8394 on 02/12/2014.
Mind Map by andrew8394, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andrew8394 about 11 years ago

Resource summary



  • Facebook
  1. Social media
    1. Facebook
      1. Videos
        1. SOPHIE
          1. Go Pro daily life
            1. Why she wants CB
              1. Blog of her life with CB
                1. Demo / lead generation
                  1. £50 for new lead
                    1. £500 closes sale
                      1. Demo kit needed
                      2. receiving chair
                        1. Contract
                        2. You Tube
                          1. Update CB hompage video
                            1. Andrew video on goals for CB change perception etc
                              1. Getting in car
                                1. carbon getting scratched and fixed
                                  1. Strength test
                                    1. each chair feature
                                    2. Twitter
                                      1. Tumblr
                                      2. EXISTING CUSTOMERS
                                        1. Testimonial
                                          1. Why want CB
                                            1. What it means to own CB
                                        2. WEBSITE
                                          1. Copy streamlining
                                            1. Explore reg area only
                                              1. testimonials page
                                              2. TELESALES
                                                1. Jan secret shopper - Bruce?
                                                  1. Andrew evolve strategy
                                                  2. Mary
                                                    1. Script from Bruce
                                                      1. Call existing list
                                                        1. Training NLP / Slaes
                                                      2. MARKETING
                                                        1. Postal campaign
                                                          1. Facebook campaign
                                                          2. INTERNATIONAL
                                                            1. FDA approval
                                                              1. Register Canada
                                                                1. Sale or return
                                                                  1. Toronto visit
                                                                    1. email will you come to Toronto
                                                                      1. June 6 / 7 People in Motion exhibition
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                    Retail checkout procedure
                                                                    Tony Watson
                                                                    The sales process
                                                                    Laurence Frascad
                                                                    Sales Part1
                                                                    Digital Media Sales Exam Certification
                                                                    Journalizing Sales and Purchases
                                                                    Business Unit 1 - Starting A Business
                                                                    Dina Hamed
                                                                    Chapter 10 QuickBooks Key Terms
                                                                    Theresa Horstmann
                                                                    Attraction Marketing Optimization
                                                                    S B
                                                                    Chapter 7 QuickBooks Key Terms
                                                                    Theresa Horstmann
                                                                    Contract of Sales
                                                                    PJ. K
                                                                    Key Terms Chapter 19: Sales, Excise, and Property Taxes
                                                                    JOHNA THARP