Asian Tsunami


Mind Map on Asian Tsunami, created by gilese68 on 02/13/2014.
Mind Map by gilese68, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gilese68 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Asian Tsunami
  1. Formation
    1. Very large displacement of water
      1. Waves can be 1-5m high
        1. Waves can travel at 100-1000km/hr
          1. The wave moves rapidly in deep ocean
            1. When the wave nears the land it slows but it increases in height
              1. The wave then heads inland destroying all in its path
                1. Wave can be 10-15m on land
              2. When and Where
                1. 26th December 2004
                  1. Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean
                    1. 9.0 on the Richter Scale
                      1. Shallow epicentre at only 30km
                      2. What Happened
                        1. Waves travelled east and west from the fault line
                          1. The waves travelled from Indonesia to East Africa
                          2. Short Term Impacts
                            1. Buildings and houses destroyed
                              1. Utilities cut off
                                1. Fishing boats washed ashore
                                  1. Water Contamination
                                    1. Infrastructure Damage
                                      1. Many children were made orphans
                                        1. Homelessness of people
                                          1. At least 240,000 deaths
                                          2. Long Term Impacts
                                            1. Economical Effects
                                              1. Damage to tourism industry
                                                1. Loss of fishing industry
                                                  1. Primary sectors impacted most
                                                    1. People will be forced to take on debt just so they can feed their family
                                                    2. Social
                                                      1. Malaria and Cholera spreading rapidly
                                                        1. Lack of safe drinking water
                                                          1. Diarrhoea
                                                          2. Lack of food
                                                            1. Malnutrition
                                                            2. Lack of shelter
                                                            3. Environmental
                                                              1. Damage to coastal ecosystems
                                                                1. Sandy beaches gone
                                                                  1. Turtle nesting areas
                                                              2. Why were the impacts so hight?
                                                                1. The earthquake was massively powerful
                                                                  1. Tsunamis are not very common in the Indian Ocean so people did not know how to react
                                                                    1. The coastal areas are flat and low lying
                                                                      1. Very little warning, 15 minutes warning maximum
                                                                        1. Densely populated area, increased the death toll
                                                                          1. Barely any access to emergency equipment
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