Social Science Perspective


Mind Map on Social Science Perspective, created by cassieisclose on 02/16/2014.
Mind Map by cassieisclose, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cassieisclose almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social Science Perspective
  1. Psychology
    1. definition: the study of human behaviour
      1. examines specific actions, responses, and the factors that dictate how someone reacts under specific conditions
        1. many areas
          1. developmental
            1. educational
              1. abnormal (deviance)
                1. clinical
                  1. personality
                    1. cognitive
                      1. forensic
                        1. social
                        2. notable theorists/psychologists
                          1. Ivan Pavlov
                            1. John B Watson
                              1. B.F. Skinner
                                1. Albert Bandura
                                  1. Sigmund Freud
                                2. Anthropology
                                  1. definition: study of all human cultures from a holistic approach and how each culture contributes to the makeup of humanity
                                    1. "science of people"
                                      1. study of human beings in relation to origin, classification, distribution
                                        1. studies relationship of races, physical character, and culture
                                          1. cross cultural comparisons
                                          2. quantitative + qualitative research methods
                                            1. intensive case studies based on field research
                                              1. macro perspective on development and sustainability of human culture
                                                1. different theories
                                                  1. functionalism
                                                    1. Robert K Merton
                                                      1. relationships of shared values between society and its institutions
                                                      2. structuralism
                                                        1. Claude Levi-Strauss
                                                          1. Mary Douglas
                                                            1. societal norms and values
                                                            2. cultural materialism
                                                              1. Carlo Ember
                                                                1. Stephen Sanderson
                                                                  1. Marvin Harris
                                                                    1. human existence is a response to the diverse and complex problems that exist in society
                                                                      1. a change in technology = shift in cultural beliefs
                                                                  2. Sociology
                                                                    1. definition: study of actions of members within specific society
                                                                      1. examines how people organize themselves within groups institutions, associations
                                                                        1. demography, criminology, gender studies, social stratification
                                                                          1. Karl Marx, Durksheim, Talcott Parsons, George H Mead
                                                                            1. Marxism, Structural Functionalism, Feminism
                                                                              1. quantitative and qualitative research
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