LTM and the (very) big picture


Mind Map
Mind Map by pachosputnik8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pachosputnik8 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

LTM and the (very) big picture
  1. Introduction
    1. Materials are cultural artefacts
      1. Materials are propositions for action
        1. Marxism and Neomarxism views
          1. Social phenomena
          2. Conclusion
            1. Universal homogenous state
              1. Against inspiration, "The uniformity is being imposed".
              2. ELT Material: the 50s to 80s.
                1. The 1950s/60s and Cold War
                  1. The late 60s to the late 70s (DIY)
                    1. The 70s to the mid 80s.
                      1. Multiculturalism and individual's particular communicative needs
                    2. New imperatives on materials design: the mid 80s onwards.
                      1. McDonalidization
                        1. Neo-liberalism
                          1. Zeitgeist
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