
Mind Map on FCA's RESPONSIBILITIES AND APPROACH TO REGULATION, created by d_mills_23 on 02/18/2014.
Mind Map by d_mills_23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by d_mills_23 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. FCA's objectives
    1. Strategic - Ensure relevant markets function well
      1. Operational
        1. secure and appropriate degree of protection
          1. protect and enhance the integrity of UK financial system
            1. promote effective competition in interest of consumers
          2. Approach
            1. Employ a risk-based approach
              1. act in a proactive rattan than reactive manner
                1. main characteristics
                  1. Encourage firms to adopt the FSA's "Treating customers fairly"
                    1. firms are categorised in risk they pose to FCA - scale of C1 (large banks) to C4 (IFA's)
                      1. focuses on addressing risk issues as (or before) they emerge
                        1. Proactive in assessing product suitability and risk
                          1. FCA is able to review and react to super complaints (complaint made by a consumer body such as Which?)
                            1. FCA takes an intervention stance and has lower tolerance to potential damage to consumer
                              1. Intervention
                                1. evidence that these markets are not operating in the interest of retail consumers
                                  1. risk of product outweighs the benefit of the product
                                    1. sales and marketing process of a product are to the detriment of the consumer
                                  2. FCA has power to make appropriate disciplinary actions available to public
                                2. Supervision
                                  1. Firm systematic framework
                                    1. structured conduct assessment of firms
                                    2. Event driven work
                                      1. FCA alllocate supervisory resources for events that happen outside of the normal assessment cycle
                                      2. Issues and products
                                        1. assessment of conduct risks across a sector of the industry
                                      3. Prudential regulation to firms
                                        1. CP1 - firms where a disorderly failure will have a significant impact on the market they operate in
                                          1. CP2 - failure would have a significant impact on the functioning of the market they operate in
                                            1. CP3 - a failure would have no impact on the market
                                            2. Financial Crime
                                              1. Fraud
                                                1. Money Laundering
                                                  1. Bribery and corruption
                                                  2. FCA handbook
                                                    1. Principles of Business
                                                      1. Integrity
                                                        1. Skill, care and diligence
                                                          1. Management and control
                                                            1. Financial prudence (adequate financial resources)
                                                              1. Market Conduct
                                                                1. Customers interests
                                                                  1. Communication with clients
                                                                    1. Customer's relationship of trust
                                                                      1. Clients assets
                                                                        1. Relations with regulators
                                                                        2. Controlled functions
                                                                          1. Governing - those who run biz
                                                                            1. Required functions - roles that are required by FCA regulations i.e. compliance oversight, money laundering
                                                                              1. Systems - heads of finance, risk assessment and internal audit
                                                                                1. Significant management functions - senior managers of designated investment business, insurance underwriting etc...
                                                                                  1. Customer functions - giving advice, general insurance and mortgages are not included
                                                                                    1. approved people are those who carry out controlled functions
                                                                                  2. Enforcement powers
                                                                                    1. Variation of a firms permissions, can remove a regulated activity
                                                                                      1. Withdrawal of approval
                                                                                        1. Injunction - prevents the person from benefiting from the action
                                                                                          1. Restitution - if a person benefited from the contravention of a regulation they can be asked to pay back profits
                                                                                            1. Redress - if customer has made a loss - FCA can obtain a court order requing loses to be made good
                                                                                              1. Disciplinary action - 1 private warning 2 publish statement of misconduct 3 financial penalty
                                                                                              2. Systems and control
                                                                                                1. Clear chain of responsibility
                                                                                                  1. Whistle-blowing - must have procedures for employees to report inappropriate behaviour
                                                                                                  2. Threshold conditions - if you are regulated you must meet certain conditions - e.e. legal status, adequate resources
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