Modern Indian History


Mind Map on Modern Indian History, created by Amogh Varsha on 02/19/2014.
Amogh Varsha
Mind Map by Amogh Varsha, updated more than 1 year ago
Amogh Varsha
Created by Amogh Varsha almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Modern Indian History
  1. From 1925 to 1947
    1. Lord Irwin, 1926
      1. viceroy+ gov gen
        1. succeeded Lord Reading
          1. Imp events
            1. Simon Commission
              1. Nehru report
                1. All Party Conference
                  1. Jinnah's 14 pts.
                    1. Civil disobedience mvmt
                      1. Rnd tble Conferences
                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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