
Mind Map on THE MOUNTED POLICE, created by Yasemin Al-Banna on 02/26/2014.
Yasemin Al-Banna
Mind Map by Yasemin Al-Banna, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasemin Al-Banna
Created by Yasemin Al-Banna almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The North West Mounted Police
    1. Maintain Low and Order
      1. Dealing with Criminal and Civil matters
        1. To STOP whisky trade
          1. STOP organized crimes
            1. STOP terrorism
              1. STOP illicit drugs
                1. STOP Economic crimes and offences
                  1. Threaten Canada's National Borders
            2. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
              1. Secure and control the vast north-west territories
                1. Deal with Criminal matters
                  1. STOP the whisky trade
                    1. Maintain low and order
                      1. Protecting ranchers against cattle theft, illegal branding, and related stock crimes
                        1. Is to establish friendly and criminal relations with the first nations
                        2. Deal with Civil matters
                          1. Deliver the mail
                            1. Provide medical services and relief supplies
                              1. Helped supervise the native affairs
                                1. Reported and took care of farm animals
                                  1. Helped new immigrants settle into Canadian society
                                2. Well-educated
                                  1. Had military experience
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