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changing urban enviroments
Mind Map on changing urban enviroments, created by charlotte.turner on 02/26/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
changing urban enviroments
mega city - typically defined as an urban area with over 10 million inhabtants
central buisness district (CBD)- main shopping and service area in a city usually found in middle of the city
land use -types of buildings and other facilitys in an area
function-purpose of a particular place
inner city- area around the CBD usually built before 1918
surburbs/outer city- built after 1945 gets newer as they reach the edge
urban sprawl- unplanned,uncontrolled growth of urban areas into surronding coundty side
why urbanisation occours
natural increase- people migrate to towns which are generally young ones resulting in an increase in birth rates
natural increase- falling death rates improve resulting in more births than deaths
rural-urban migration-result in push-pull factors
rural-urban migration-uk mechanisation was driving force in the farming which led to unemployment amongst farm workers
large scale of factories in town pull people in
urban land use
a land use model sums up a simple way the pattern of the growth in a UK settlement
hoyt model- 1940's
burgess model-1920's
why it changes
the CBD is in the centre of the city due to accesablity where the main roads from surburbs and surronding area meet. easy place to meet
CBD has lots of high rised buildings due to land values as the land is limited and competition for land is at its greatest
the old inner city have the early industrial sites forn the industrial revoloution.
land next to canals and railways allowing goods to be manifactored
houses built close to factories for the workers so they can work
big open spaces and land was cheaper so people wanted to live in surburbs
issues in urban areas
the number of the people living in the UK is increasing because more babies are being born than people dieing
70 million people live alone in the UK
70% pf increase demand for housing
people live alone - young people leaving home, people marry later in life, divorces, living longer
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