Aboriginality and the Land


Mind Map on Aboriginality and the Land, created by Mark Werner on 02/27/2014.
Mark Werner
Mind Map by Mark Werner, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Werner
Created by Mark Werner almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Aboriginality and the Land
  1. • Aboriginal peoples’ relationship to Country • Dispossession and dislocation of Aboriginal peoples from Country • Impact of British colonisation on Country
    1. – Heritage and Identity
      1. • The Dreaming and cultural ownership • Diversity of Aboriginal cultural and social life • Impact of colonisation on Aboriginal cultures and families • Impact of racism and stereotyping.
      2. International Indigenous Community
        1. • Location, environment and features of an international Indigenous community • Comparison of the key experiences of the international Indigenous and an Australian Aboriginal community in relation to: – Aboriginality and the Land – Heritage and Identity.
        2. Research and Inquiry Methods
          1. Community consultation, Planning research Acquiring information Processing information Communicating information.
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