TEAR flow chart


Jade Da
Mind Map by Jade Da, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Da
Created by Jade Da almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

TEAR flow chart
  1. Who do they help?
    1. Countries and Communities in need of things such as food, clean water, peace and education
    2. Founder
      1. George Hoffman
      2. Mission Statement
        1. TEAR Australia is a Christian development relief and organization responding to global Poverty and injustice.
          1. Our vision is for a just and compassionate world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential. TEAR Australia is a movement of Christians in Australia responding to the needs of poor communities around the world.
          2. TEAR stands for:
            1. The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund
            2. It used to be called the Australian Evangelical Alliance
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