Connective Tissue


Appiled Science Mind Map on Connective Tissue, created by Rebecca Wilson on 09/08/2016.
Rebecca Wilson
Mind Map by Rebecca Wilson, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Wilson
Created by Rebecca Wilson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Connective Tissue
  1. Loose
    1. Areola
      1. Widely distributed throughout the body
        1. Wraps and cushions organs, can soak up excess fluid
        2. Adipose
          1. In the hypodermis and around organs and joints
            1. Insulate, support, protects and acts as an energy reserve
            2. Reticular
              1. liver, spleen and lymph nodes (soft organs)
                1. Forms a scaffolding (stroma)
              2. Dense
                1. Regular
                  1. Tendons and ligaments
                    1. Provides Strength along one axis/ direction
                    2. Irregular
                      1. Dermis, ligaments, tendons
                        1. Provides strength when forces are pulling from many different directions
                        2. Elastic
                          1. Few ligaments e.g between adjacent vertebrae
                            1. Allows strengthening on arteries (especially the aorta and in the lungs)
                          2. Cartilage
                            1. Hyaline
                              1. End of long bones, end of ribs
                                1. Forms fetal skeleton, covers ends of long bones, provides smooth surface for joint movement, flexibility and support
                                2. Fibrocartilage
                                  1. Intervertebral, knees
                                    1. Strong, tough cartilage, absorbs compressive, forms intervertebral discs, menisci and pubic
                                    2. Elastic
                                      1. the external ear and nose and the epiglottis
                                        1. Provides strength and elasticity
                                      2. Bone (Osseous) Tissue
                                        1. Spongy bone
                                          1. In the ends of long bones and within most short and flat bones
                                            1. Helps the bone to resist stress
                                            2. Compact Bone
                                              1. makes up the external layer of all bones
                                                1. able to resist compression and tension
                                              2. Liquid
                                                1. Blood
                                                  1. within the heart and blood vessels
                                                    1. transport materials around the body and help fight disease
                                                    2. Lymph
                                                      1. lymph vessels
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