Standards for Psychological Tests


Mind Map on Standards for Psychological Tests, created by lian_ma on 03/06/2014.
Mind Map by lian_ma, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lian_ma almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Standards for Psychological Tests
    1. Test-retest reliability
      1. Administering the same measure to the same group at least twice and correlate scores
      2. Internal consistency
        1. All items on a test are measuring the same skill
        2. Interjudge reliability
          1. Consistency of measurement when different people observe the same event or score the same test
            1. Explicit scoring instructions attribute to high inter judge reliability
        3. VALIDITY
          1. Construct validity
            1. Exists when a test successfully measures the psychological construct it's designed to measure
            2. Content validity
              1. Whether items on a test measure all the knowledge/skills that underlie the construct of interest
              2. Criterion-related validity
                1. Ability of a test to correlate with meaningful criterion measures
                  1. Eg. If an intelligence test is measuring what it's supposed to, then the IQ it yields should allow us to predict behaviours influenced by intelligence
              3. STANDARDIZATION
                1. Development of norms
                  1. Test scores derived from a large sample provide normative scores, which is used as a basis for interpreting an individual's score
                    1. An average that gives us something to compare to
                  2. Rigorously controlled testing procedures
                    1. Static testing
                      1. Make sure testers are responding as similar a stimulus situation as possible so scores are solely a reflection of their ability
                      2. Dynamic testing
                        1. Testing is followed by feedback from the examiner on how to perform, and observes how the person uses this info
                          1. Useful for people that haven't had equal learning opportunities and aren't used to Western-styled tests
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