People thought that
the government
should force local
councils to clean up
their towns
Some people thought that the
government should stay out of
other peoples lives.
This meant
letting local
make all of the
People knew the
link between DIRT
British towns and cities became dirty
than ever as people flocked to them
for work and promise of good pay and
living conditions
Because of
industrialisation towns
couldn't cope and
quickly became over
Killer diseases spread quickly
because Of the poor sanitation and
public health
In 1842, Edwin Chadwick argued that
disease was the main reason for
poverty, and that preventing disease
would reduce the poor rates.
In 1848, a cholera epidemic terrified the government
into doing something about prevention of disease -
through both public and individual health measures.
Public health acts
In 1848 the first Public Health Act caused
the setting up of a Board of Health, and gave
towns the right to appoint a Medical Officer
of Health
In 1853 vaccination against smallpox
was made compulsory
In 1854 improvements in hospital
hygiene were introduced (thanks in
large part to Florence Nightingale).
Cholera was pretty
common in this time
Cholera is spread by
infected water
The faeces of a cholera suffer contained the cholera germ.
Human waste was just thrown out into the street most of the
time... This is how the disease spread so quickly through the
water system.
Cholera returned regularly
First cholera out break
was 1848
Snow made a connection
between the dirty water and
Cholera. He presented his ideas
to many but they were reluctant
to do anything/believe him....
Until another outbreak occurred and he removed a water pump, saving may lives and
proving his theory about cholera in water correct.