

Mind Map on Networks, created by Ed Fitton on 03/10/2014.
Ed Fitton
Mind Map by Ed Fitton, updated more than 1 year ago
Ed Fitton
Created by Ed Fitton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types
    1. LAN
      1. WAN
        1. MAN
          1. CAN
            1. DAN
              1. PAN
                1. WLAN
                2. Topologies
                  1. Ring
                    1. Bus
                      1. Star
                        1. Mesh
                        2. Layers of Connectivity
                          1. Physical
                            1. Logical
                              1. Authentication
                              2. Definition
                                1. A network can be considered to be " 2 or more computer like devices connected together for the purpose of sharing resources and data.
                                2. Physical Classification
                                  1. Peer to Peer
                                    1. Work Group
                                    2. Client Server
                                      1. Domain
                                    3. Homework
                                      1. Draw a labelled diagram of your network at home and add to it the IP Address of your broad band box - This can be found by typing Whats my IP into Google.
                                      2. Network Design
                                        1. Analysis
                                          1. Speed
                                            1. Types of computer Network
                                              1. Isp
                                                1. Area/Location
                                                  1. Purpose
                                                    1. Wired or Wireless
                                                      1. Budget
                                                        1. Internet Connection
                                                          1. Equipment (wires, server)
                                                            1. How much is on the network?
                                                              1. Users
                                                                1. Securty
                                                                  1. Software
                                                                    1. Hardware
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