1_My Training Path


Finanzas Mind Map on 1_My Training Path, created by Carla Cruz on 04/09/2016.
Carla Cruz
Mind Map by Carla Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Carla Cruz
Created by Carla Cruz over 7 years ago
Carla Cruz
Copied by Carla Cruz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

1_My Training Path
  1. Investment Management Specialization
    1. This specialization will help me take better investment decisions through practical courses. I will develop a 5 year investment plan, taking into account the impact of financial markets in the world. This will help me perfection my skills to create a successful investment portfolio.
      1. University of Geneva https://www.coursera.org/specializations/investment-management
    2. Financial Markets
      1. This course will provide me with the general information about financial markets. I will be able to predict the market's actions and understand the evolution it has had in history, as well as identify how investors take decisions.
        1. Yale University http://oyc.yale.edu/economics/econ-252-08
      2. The Global Financial Crisis
        1. This course will give me a general panorama of which aspects are involved during a crisis, in addition I will learn the importance of the participation o powerful economies like the USA and EU in the crisis and how this impacts the rest of the world.
          1. Yale University https://www.coursera.org/learn/global-financial-crisis
        2. Economics of Money and Banking
          1. This course will enlighten me about the new market we're living in which is mainly based in credits. I will learn how the central bank cooperation is vital during financial crisis when the vulnerabilities of this new system are seen.
            1. Columbia University https://www.coursera.org/learn/money-banking
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