

Mind Map on G543, created by hdunderdale on 04/30/2013.
Mind Map by hdunderdale, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hdunderdale almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Forensic
    1. Turning To Crime
      1. Upbringing
        1. Farrington
          1. Disrupted Families
          2. Wikstrom
            1. Poverty & Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods
            2. Sutherland
              1. Learning From Others
            3. Cognition
              1. Yochelson & Samenow
                1. Criminal Thinking Patterns
                2. Kohlberg
                  1. Moral Development & Crime
                  2. Gudjohnson & Bownes
                    1. Social Cognition
                  3. Biology
                    1. Brunner
                      1. Genes & Serotonin
                      2. Daly & Wilson
                        1. Gender-Related Life Expectancy
                        2. Raine
                          1. Brain Dysfunction
                      3. Making A Case
                        1. Interviewing Witnesses
                          1. Frowd & Bruce
                            1. Recognising Faces
                            2. Loftus
                              1. Factors Influencing Identification
                              2. Fisher & Geiselman
                                1. Cognitive Interview
                              3. Interviewing Suspects
                                1. Mann
                                  1. Detecting Lies
                                  2. Inbau
                                    1. Interrogation Techniques
                                    2. Gudjohnson
                                      1. False Confessions
                                    3. Creating A Profile
                                      1. Canter
                                        1. Top Down Typology
                                        2. Canter & Heritage
                                          1. Bottom Up Approach
                                          2. Canter
                                            1. Case Study: John Duffy
                                        3. Reaching A Verdict
                                          1. Reaching A Verdict
                                            1. Hastie
                                              1. Stages In Decision Making
                                              2. Asch
                                                1. Majority Influence
                                                2. Nemeth & Watchler
                                                  1. Minority Influence
                                                3. Persuading A Jury
                                                  1. Pennington & Hastie
                                                    1. Effect Of Order On Testimony
                                                    2. Loftus
                                                      1. Expert Psychological Testimony
                                                      2. Pickel
                                                        1. Evidence Ruled Inadmissable
                                                      3. Witness Appeal
                                                        1. Castellow
                                                          1. Attractiveness Of Defendant
                                                          2. Penrod & Cutler
                                                            1. Witness Confidence
                                                            2. Ross
                                                              1. Shields & Videotapes Of Child Evidence
                                                        2. Health & Clinical
                                                          1. Stress
                                                            1. Managing Stress
                                                              1. Meichenbaum
                                                                1. Stress Innoculation Therapy
                                                                2. Budzynski
                                                                  1. Biofeedback
                                                                  2. Waxler-Morrison
                                                                    1. Social Support
                                                                  3. Causes of Stress
                                                                    1. Johansson
                                                                      1. Work
                                                                      2. Kanner
                                                                        1. Hassles & Uplifts
                                                                        2. Geer & Maisel
                                                                          1. Lack Of Control
                                                                        3. Measuring Stress
                                                                          1. Geer & Maisel
                                                                            1. Physiological Measures
                                                                            2. Holmes & Rahe
                                                                              1. Self-Report Measure
                                                                              2. Johansson
                                                                                1. Combined Approach
                                                                            3. Disorders
                                                                              1. Characteristics of Disorders
                                                                                1. Anxiety
                                                                                  1. Phobias
                                                                                  2. Affective
                                                                                    1. Depression
                                                                                    2. Psychotic
                                                                                      1. Schizophrenia
                                                                                    3. Explaining Phobias
                                                                                      1. Ohman
                                                                                        1. Biological Predisposition To Types Of Phobias
                                                                                        2. DiNardo
                                                                                          1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder
                                                                                          2. Watson & Raynor
                                                                                            1. Classical Conditioning
                                                                                          3. Treating Phobias
                                                                                            1. McGrath
                                                                                              1. Treatment Of Noise Phobia
                                                                                              2. Ost & Westling
                                                                                                1. Treatment For Panic Attacks
                                                                                                2. Leibowitz
                                                                                                  1. Treatment Of Social Phobia With Phenelzine
                                                                                              3. Dysfunctional Behaviour
                                                                                                1. Diagnosing Dysfunstional Behaviour
                                                                                                  1. ICD & DSM
                                                                                                    1. Categorising Disorders
                                                                                                    2. Rosenhan & Seligman
                                                                                                      1. Definitions of Dysfunctional Behaviour
                                                                                                      2. Ford & Widiger
                                                                                                        1. Sex Bias In Disgnosis
                                                                                                      3. Explaining Dysfunctional Behaviour
                                                                                                        1. Watson & Raynor
                                                                                                          1. Classical Conditioning
                                                                                                          2. Gottesman & Shields
                                                                                                            1. Twin Studies Of Schizophrenia
                                                                                                            2. Beck
                                                                                                              1. Interviews For People With Depresseion
                                                                                                            3. Treating Dysfunctional Behaviour
                                                                                                              1. McGrath
                                                                                                                1. Treatment Of Noise Phobia
                                                                                                                2. Leibowitz
                                                                                                                  1. Treatment Of Social Phobia With Phenelzine
                                                                                                                  2. Ost & Westling
                                                                                                                    1. Treatment For Panic Attacks
                                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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