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Regulations on 3D Printing
Mind Map on Regulations on 3D Printing, created by Weeweo scralper on 03/16/2014.
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high school diploma
Mind Map by
Weeweo scralper
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Weeweo scralper
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Regulations on 3D Printing
Prevents any potential weapons from being created
Guns have been proven possible to be printed and to fully function
If printed in the right material, these guns could go pass through metal detectors
Potentially any 3D printer owner can be a weapon manufacturer
Possible black market weapons could be created, sold or traded without the government even knowing they exist.
Government could control the flow of objects that are being printed through these printers
The regulations could stop or not allow anything considered a weapon to them to printed.
Copyright issues can be prevented
If something is patented on the Internet and requires the consent of the owner to be used on the internet, what happens once it gets 3D printed?
Some people may start sueing and want some compensation for the use of their product
Could waste time for copyright holder and the government
Someone may create a 3D printed version of a product and share to the world
The company of that created that product may take legal action against them, that can be easily avoided with regulations
Safety concerns
If a 3D printer or 3D modelling program falls into the wrong hands, it may lead up to someone hurting themselves
The regulations could take up a lot of time
When a bill passes through the government, it can take weeks to years to pass through
The time used on these regulations could be used for something else other than regulations on 3D printing
Ownership of 3D Printers
Some people may take this as the theft of the ownership of their 3D printers
People may not be able to print things as quickly/efficiently as they use to
Ruins the purpose of 3D printing things instead of going to professional companies to obtain specific parts
Some people/companies may have paid a lot of money for 3D printers
3D professional printers can cost between 4.9k to 800k
3D printing may not be able to become a hobbist's or artist's preferred medium
Regulation makes the 3D printing process seem more strict, this may make some artists/hobbists stray away from 3D printing
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