
Mind Map on INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, created by Rosa Gálvez Maldonado on 27/09/2016.
Rosa Gálvez Maldonado
Mind Map by Rosa Gálvez Maldonado, updated more than 1 year ago
Rosa Gálvez Maldonado
Created by Rosa Gálvez Maldonado over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. GREAT BRITAIN: 1760- 1840.
    1. ECONOMIC REVOLUTION: It changed the way the world produced goods.
      1. INVENTIONS: Great period for improvements in technology.
        1. 1837: The Telegraph, Samuel Morse
          1. 1876: The steamship, Brunel
            1. 1876: The telephone, Graham Bell.
              1. 1885: The Motor Car, Karl Benz.
              2. Migration from the countryside to the cities
                1. From the workshop and the farm to factories.
              3. ADVANTAGES
                1. Use of machines: industry, agriculture, medicine, home.
                  1. New fuels: coal, petroleum...
                    1. New means of transport: train, steam boat.......
                      1. Waterways, roads and railroads.
                        1. Increase in the production: exports, wealth...
                          1. Emergence of new professions: bankers, lawyers.........
                            1. Developments in Science, Medicine....
                          2. DISADVANTAGES
                            1. Pollution, exploitation of natural resources...
                              1. Bad living conditions in cities: shortage of houses, no facilities.
                                1. Exploitation of workers in factories: child labour.
                                  1. Emergence of Unions.
                              2. Economic gap - Wealth disparity
                              3. SOCIAL CLASSES
                                1. The Aristocracy.
                                  1. The middle class
                                    1. Upper: bankers, industrial leaders
                                      1. Bussinessmen, doctors, lawyers
                                        1. Lower: shopkeepers, small traders
                                          1. The working class: 80% population
                                            1. Top: High skilled workers.
                                              1. Semiskilled: carpenters, bricklayers
                                                1. Unskilled workers and domestic servants
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                            Remei Gomez Gracia
                                            Where we live in
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                                            Inés H
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