inclusiveness / equal opportunities and barriers to participation


Mind Map on inclusiveness / equal opportunities and barriers to participation, created by sharon.williams2 on 03/20/2014.
Mind Map by sharon.williams2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sharon.williams2 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

inclusiveness / equal opportunities and barriers to participation
  1. Equality Opportunities - individuals have same chance to participate and are not denied an opportunity.
    1. dined by:
      1. lack of facilities
        1. inadequate sporting infrastructure
          1. lack of personal resources
          2. Sport England, local authorities and voluntary trying to improve facilities
            1. seeking to achieve equality through:
              1. providing opportunities
                1. provide the opportunity of receiving the benefits of sport.
                  1. enabling talented individuals in fulfilling their potential
                2. inclusiveness - including people of all kinds within an activity or group.
                  1. A barrier of participation - An obstacle that prevents any group or individual from participating in sport.
                    1. Groups affected by barriers of participation
                      1. different ethnic backgrounds
                        1. disabled
                          1. disadvantaged socio-economic groups
                        2. Barriers include:
                          1. lack of sporting facilities
                            1. lack of personal resources (time or money)
                              1. discrimination
                                1. sterotype
                                  1. prejudice
                                  2. Fear/belief of being discriminated - not participating
                                    1. pressures to participate in a certain sport.
                                      1. The status of sport
                                        1. sexism
                                          1. social class issues
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