Why did the 1905 Rev. 'fail'?


History (1881 - 24) Mind Map on Why did the 1905 Rev. 'fail'?, created by charlotte151996 on 05/01/2013.
Mind Map by charlotte151996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlotte151996 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why did the 1905 Rev. 'fail'?
  1. Loyalty of the army
    1. Disturbances were crushed and many revolutionaries arrested, exiled or executed.
      1. Gov. reassert authority.
        1. Started supporting 'Union of Russian People'.
          1. Linked to Black Hundreds
            1. Helped gov. regain control of country by executing known reformers.
      2. Lack of unity among revolutionaries
        1. Lack of central control.
          1. Spontaneity of rev. outbreaks meant the armed forces could suppress them.
            1. Revolutionaries had different aims.
              1. Liberals = share power.
                1. SR = peasants ownership of land.
                  1. SD = change society and remove Tsar.
                    1. Fought against themselves as much as the government.
                  2. Splitting the oppositons
                    1. October manifesto split opposition.
                      1. Extreme revolutionaries (SD +SR) rejected manifesto.
                        1. Liberals happy.
                          1. Turning point in the revolution.
                            1. Tsar regained control.
                              1. Rev. failed to topple Tsar and gov.
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