free time activities / holiday / sports


Mind Map on free time activities / holiday / sports, created by paulinae on 03/24/2014.
Mind Map by paulinae, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paulinae almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

free time activities / holiday / sports
  1. team sports
    1. ball sports
      1. volleyball
        1. football
          1. basketball
            1. handball
            2. hockey sports
              1. hockey
                1. ice hockey
                2. racket sports
                  1. badminton
                    1. tennis
                      1. table tennis
                    2. individual sports
                      1. golf
                        1. jogging
                          1. swimming
                            1. boxing
                              1. chess
                                1. racket sports
                                  1. ride the bike
                                  2. outside
                                    1. take pictures / photography
                                      1. make street music
                                        1. shopping
                                          1. cinema
                                            1. music school
                                              1. meet friends
                                                1. go to a concert/opera
                                                  1. barbecue
                                                    1. angle
                                                      1. dance
                                                      2. at home
                                                        1. watch TV
                                                          1. read a book
                                                            1. surfe the internet
                                                              1. cook
                                                                1. listen to music
                                                                  1. play video games
                                                                    1. make music
                                                                    2. one the beach
                                                                      1. surfe
                                                                        1. relax
                                                                          1. play volleyball
                                                                            1. swim in the sea
                                                                              1. dive in the sea
                                                                                1. meet new people
                                                                                2. in the mountains
                                                                                  1. go for a hike
                                                                                    1. swim in a mountain lake
                                                                                      1. climb
                                                                                        1. photography
                                                                                          1. watch animals
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