An Encounter


English (Joyce) Mind Map on An Encounter, created by angharad_griffit on 03/29/2014.
Mind Map by angharad_griffit, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angharad_griffit almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

An Encounter
  1. Themes
    1. Entrapment - School
      1. Entrapment - Adults - Perverted Sexually
        1. Escapism ' they opened doors of escape'
        2. First Person Narration
          1. Retrospective Narration - Boy is looking back years later
            1. Conveys thoughts and feelings of the main character
            2. Religion
              1. Use of words such as 'spirit'
                1. 'He's a queer old josser!' - Incense sticks - Priest?
                2. Characters constrained by school and lack of money
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