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1917 February Revolution
History (1881 - 24) Mind Map on 1917 February Revolution, created by charlotte151996 on 05/04/2013.
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1881 - 24
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
1917 February Revolution
Petrograd demonstrations
9th Jan - 140000 workers on strike on anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
Last day of Jan. - strikes about food shortages across Russia.
14th Feb. - 100000 workers on strike about food shortages and poor working conditions.
State Duma reconvened - attacked gov. on food shortages.
19th Feb. - Bread rationing start 1st March.
23rd Feb - International woman's day.
Thousands of women took to streets.
24th Feb. - Soviets formed to make demands against gov.
25th Feb. - Demostrators swelled to 200000.
All newspapers shut down and public transport stopped.
Defection of the armed forces
25th Feb - Cossack troops refused to fire on demonstrators.
To try and reassert authority - Gov. dissolved state Duma.
Duma formed a twelve man committee - Provisional Government.
28th Feb. - Tsar telegrammed Duma, offering to share power.
Duma declined.
1st March - Workers Soviet joined forces to make Petrograd soviet.
Repeat of 1905 events - Order number 1
Tsar's decision to abdicate
1st March - boarded a train to try get back to Petrograd.
2nd March - Train stopped as anti-gov. soldiers took control of railway.
Asked to abdicate by members of state duma.
Tsar agreed - abdicated throne on behalf of son.
3rd March - Tsar brother Grand Duke Michael refused throne.
Russia ceased to be a monarchy.
3rd March - Prince Lvov named prime minister and in charge of PG.
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