The Plantation of Munster (1586)


Mindmap for the Munster Plantation to include the following; • The Causes • The Plantation itself • Problems: Why it failed • Results
Mind Map by asadraza3837664, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by asadraza3837664 over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Plantation of Munster (1586)
  1. The immediate cause - The Desmond Rebellions
    1. In the mid sixteenth Scentuary, much of Munster was xontrolled by an by an old english catholic family, The fitzgeralds of desmond.The Fitzgeralds were worried abd angry about the following things: ▪Following the Fitzgeralds and the Butler family of Ormond (Kilkenny and Tipperary)
      1. ▪The queen hadsupported Englismen known as adventurers, who were falsely trying to claim Fitzgerald land for themselves.
        1. ▪Queen Elizabeth I appointed presidents to impose English law and protestant religion over Munster.
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