The Constitutional Crisis


Mind Map on The Constitutional Crisis, created by sophiejayneblackwell on 04/03/2014.
Mind Map by sophiejayneblackwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiejayneblackwell almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Constitutional Crisis
    1. Lloyd George needed to find £15 million revenue to provide for the new social services and naval warship construction
      1. increased incomes tax from 1 shilling to 1 shilling and 2 pence on incomes over £3,000 a year
        1. super tax on incomes over £5,000 a year
          1. increased death duties on estates of over £5,000 a year
            1. land taxes
              1. indirect taxes on luxury goods
              2. wanted to punish the conservatives
                1. provoke the house of lords
                2. Budget Protest League
                  1. denounced taxes as confiscation and robbery
                    1. Limehouse speech July 1909 DLG spoke of the opposition to his proposals being a class war
                3. JANUARY 1910 GENERAL ELECTION
                  1. Liberals won with 275 seats to the conservatives 273
                    1. INP won 82 seats
                      1. Labour Party won 40 seats
                      2. Liberals had to depend on INP to pass the budget but only if Home Rule was passed
                    2. 1911 PARLIAMENT ACT
                      1. proposed HoL had no power to amend or reject bills
                        1. HoL have no power to VETO but could delay for two years
                          1. 'suspensory veto'
                          2. the maximum period between general elections cut down from 7 to 5 years
                            1. would easily pass the commons but problem was getting passed the lords
                              1. asquith went to King Edward VII to promise to create enough Liberal peers to outvote the Conservative peers.
                                1. May 2010 Edward VII died and new king George V tried to agree a solution without resorting to new peers
                            2. DECEMBER 2010 GENERAL ELECTION
                              1. George agreed to make the peers as long as Liberals won the general election
                                1. liberals and conservatives both got 272 seats each
                                  1. liberals had support from labour (42 seats) and INP (84 seats)
                                    1. peers were created
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