Grice's Maxims


Mind Map on Grice's Maxims, created by scarlet376 on 04/03/2014.
Mind Map by scarlet376, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scarlet376 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Grice's Maxims
  1. "Give us a figure"
    1. repeating question- eager and frustrated
      1. Audience feel the same way want to know the price of buses
        1. Paxman is finding answer to inform audience
          1. Follows Grice's Maxims- Relevance
            1. Good entertainment as both are power playing
              1. his job and has to listen to the BBC
          2. Effective
            1. Boris ignores Grice's Maxims
              1. Relevance and Manner
                1. Effective as he dominates the conversation
                  1. Frustrates public as they have no information on price of buses
                    1. Tax will affect them and buses is a heated topic- social attitudes
                  2. to get his political views across
                    1. maybe he is unsure about the answer
                      1. answer is not sufficient enough
                        1. or not allowed to give out the price at this stage
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