Parts of the House


Let´s describe the parts of the house
 Lic. Yojanna Jackelin Sanchez Nuñez
Mind Map by Lic. Yojanna Jackelin Sanchez Nuñez, updated more than 1 year ago
 Lic. Yojanna Jackelin Sanchez Nuñez
Created by Lic. Yojanna Jackelin Sanchez Nuñez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Parts of the House
  1. Kitchen
    1. stove
      1. Refreigerator
        1. microwave
          1. sink
            1. toaster
              1. cabinet
                1. potholder
                  1. oven
                  2. Living room
                    1. television
                      1. sofa
                        1. couch
                          1. wall unit
                            1. rug
                              1. coffee table
                                1. painting
                                  1. lamp
                                  2. Dining room
                                    1. table
                                      1. Chairs
                                        1. chandelier
                                          1. center piece
                                            1. dishes
                                              1. salad bowl
                                                1. tablecloth
                                                2. Household, cleaning and laundry
                                                  1. broom
                                                    1. mop
                                                      1. washing machine
                                                        1. clothespins
                                                          1. clothesline
                                                            1. laundry detergent
                                                            2. Bathroom
                                                              1. mirror
                                                                1. toilet
                                                                  1. soap
                                                                    1. bath towel
                                                                      1. hair drayer
                                                                        1. vanity
                                                                          1. hamper
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