Biology B1


Mind Map on Biology B1, created by Sysode on 04/05/2014.
Mind Map by Sysode, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Sysode almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biology B1
  1. Genes
    1. Instructions for cells, which makes protein for your body
      1. Genotype / Phenotype
        1. Genotype - all of the genes it has
          1. Phenotype - characteristics an organism displays
          2. Sperm and egg cells
            1. 23 chromosomes for both the egg and sperm cell
              1. The two combine when sperm fertilises egg
              2. Children resemble both parents
                1. Alleles gained from both parents (some not all)
                  1. Each child has a unique combination of alleles
                    1. The combination of alleles determines the phenotype
                      1. Homozygous - 2 alleles the same
                        1. Heterozygous - 2 different alleles
                      2. Punnet Square shows this
                        1. lowercase = recessive -- upper = dominant
                  2. Genetic Disorders
                    1. Caused by faulty Genes
                      1. Recessive and Dominant genes can cause
                        1. Recessive diseases
                          1. Cystic Fibrosis
                            1. both parents must be a carrier
                          2. Dominant Diseases
                            1. Huntington's disease
                              1. Carrier parent will be a sufferer as wel
                          3. Genetic Testing
                            1. Can be used on Embryos, adults and children
                              1. IVF
                                1. Test on an embryo to see if the parent is a carrier - only healthy alleles used to create baby
                              2. Ethical Issues
                                1. Not 100% accurate
                                  1. Slight chance of miscarrige
                                    1. Pressure for parents
                                      1. Every child has the right to live - people think abortion is always wrong
                                        1. Insurance companies refuse to insure ill people
                                    2. Clones
                                      1. Genetically identical organisms
                                        1. Asexual Reproduction
                                          1. 1 parent where off-spring is identical to parent
                                            1. Normally in plants and bacteria but also some animals
                                              1. EG - Strawberry plants
                                            2. Embryo splitting
                                              1. Single egg is fertilised by sperm, embryo develops as normal but then splits
                                                1. Embryos then develop as normal
                                              2. In the lab
                                                1. Nucleus (no egg) and egg from other parent is put together and stimulated to divide
                                            3. Stem Cells
                                              1. Embryonic
                                                1. Unspecialised and found in early embryos
                                                  1. Develop into any cell
                                                2. Adult
                                                  1. Unspecialised and found in adult animals
                                                    1. Involved in maintaining and repairing damaged tissues
                                                  2. Treat illnesses (bone marrow transplant)
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