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The Nazis Consolidation of Power-The Use of Terror
Mind Map on The Nazis Consolidation of Power-The Use of Terror, created by Bethan Stevenson on 04/06/2014.
Mind Map by
Bethan Stevenson
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Bethan Stevenson
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
The Nazis Consolidation of Power-The Use of Terror
The Use of Terror
Storm trooper violence
key role in Hitler's rise to power
'Legal Revolution' and the 'Revolution from Below'
SA unleashed a reign of terror against political opponents
January 1933- SA Nazis main instrument of terror and violence
SA expanded after 1933
500,000 members- January 1933
3 million members- 1934
gained legal authority when Nazis came to power
Late Feb 1933- SA and Stahlhelm merged
'Auxiliary police'
regular police forces forbidden from interfering with SA
With new powers, SA unleashed sustained assault on socialists and communists
1000s rounded up and imprisoned in makeshift concentration camps
set up in old factories and army barracks
by July 1933, 26,789 political prisoners arrested by SA
or taken into 'protective custody' or imprisoned in one of the 70 concentration camps
Reichstag fire- 27th Februaruary
Decree for the Protection of the People and the State
Violence and intimidation against the left intensified
Reichstag elections- 5th March
Left-wing parties virtually driven underground
Communist Party still received 12% of votes
less than November 1932 elections but still a significant core of support
SPD gained 18% of votes
Enabling Act- 24th March
granted Hitler's government with emergency powers to rule by decree for 4 years
fundamental change in constitution
needed 2 thirds majority to become law
partly achieved through violence and intimidation
SA and SS lined Kroll Opera House corridors
Communist deputies banned from taking their seats
Centre Party and DNVP members brought off with threats and promises
only SPD deputies had the courage to vote against the Act
eliminating other political parties
tried to incorporate independent institutions into the Nazi regime
trade unions were a target as they had close links with the SPD
SA raided trade union offices in almost every town
SA arrested trade union officials
SA ransacked offices and broke up meetings
trade unions were officially dissolved on the 2nd May
organisation at grass level had already been effectively crippled
Nazi groups seizing control over local government
forced elected politicians to give up their post in town halls
replaced with Nazi Party officials
at all levels of local government, throughout Germany, the old guard was purged
those that didn't leave voluntarily were kicked out
Hitler may have benefitted from his supportive violence but he wasn't always in control
A lot of SA violence unplanned and piecemeal
against political opponents and Jews
Night of the Long Knives
ambitions of SA and leader Rohm seen as real threat by army leaders
more serious when, in 1934 summer, SA units began stopping army conveys and confiscating weapons and supplies
when Blomberg (with Hindenburg's support) threatened to declare martial law and give army power to deal with SA, matters came to a head
Hitler had dithered since 1934 spring, delaying taking decisive action against SA
but in June 30th there was a ruthless purge of SA, eliminated their leadership and other Nazi opponents with SS acting on Hitler's orders
Hitler addressed Reichstag 13th July, accepting full responsibility
secured army support
by Oct 1935, membership declined to 1.6 million
From Feb-June 1933, Hitler went with the flow of SA violence
eliminated opposition well
but Hitler was careful that SA violence didn't attack the State itself
assaults on police and army avoided
didn't want to alienate the conservative forces that got him into power
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