November 1917 Revolution


Mind Map on November 1917 Revolution, created by paul.s.cockburn on 04/10/2014.
Mind Map by paul.s.cockburn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paul.s.cockburn almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

November 1917 Revolution
  1. Causes
    1. Strengths of the Bolsheviks
      1. Trotsky's organisational skills
        1. Bolshevik propaganda was successful in putting across their ideas
          1. Bolsheviks were determined and ruthless
            1. Kornalov Affair meant that they were armed
              1. Bolshevik role in preventing the Kornalov Affair increased their popularity
                1. Lenin's leadership
                  1. Promised an end to rule by the rich; a fairer, more equal society
                    1. Slogans immediately appealed to various groups
                      1. PEACE: promised to end the very unpopular war
                        1. BREAD: promised to solve problems of food shortages
                          1. LAND: promised the land would be given to the peasants
                        2. Weaknesses of the P.G.
                          1. P.G. lacked authority - not elected
                            1. Problems of 'Dual Power' with the Petrograd Soviet e.g. Soviet order No. 1
                              1. Kerensky's tactical errors
                                1. Asked Soviet and Bolsheviks to help to defeat Kornilov Affair
                                  1. Decision to continue the war
                                    1. Allowed Bolsheviks back into Russia after July Days
                                    2. Reforms granted freedoms but did not improve conditions for the people
                                      1. Civilians discontented with living standards and shortages
                                        1. Conditions for industrial workers did not improve
                                          1. Unemployment rose
                                            1. Food shortages continued to worsen and prices rose
                                              1. Peasants were not given land and began to seize it for themselves
                                          2. Timeline
                                            1. 23rd October
                                              1. Trotsky organised the takeover of the city. It was no secret - the newspapers carried articles about it and the Bolsheviks distributed leaflets saying it was going to happen
                                              2. 8th November
                                                1. Lenin announces the new government
                                                2. 7th November
                                                  1. Red guards take control of bridges, main telegraph office, railway stations, power stations and other key places such as the state bank
                                                    1. 9pm: Aurora (ship whose sailors support the Bolsheviks) fires a blank shot to signal the start of the revolution
                                                      1. Kerensky escapes the city
                                                        1. Bolsheviks move on the Winter Palace and take control easily
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