Basil Hallward and Lord Henry


English (Dorian Gray) Mind Map on Basil Hallward and Lord Henry, created by mariya.razeen on 04/10/2014.
Mind Map by mariya.razeen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mariya.razeen almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Basil Hallward and Lord Henry
  1. Lord Henry Wotton
    1. Aristocrat - little personal experience outside his role
      1. Feels the less priveleged are a waste of time and disposable
        1. Corrupter - enticed DG away from charitable work
          1. See DG as a scientific experiment
            1. "exquisite pleasure in playing with the lad's unconscious egtism"
            2. charming talker, famous wit and brilliant intellect
              1. "under a spell" - wit and charm hypnotises you
              2. Although Lord Henry is a self-proclaimed hedonist who advocates the equal pursuit of both moral and immoral experience, he lives a rather staid life.
                1. Devil on the left shoulder - the snake in the garden of eden
                  1. "LH was leaning over his chair" - overshadowing - sinister
                  2. Hypocrite - preaches a lifestyle but does not follow it himself
                    1. "Only way to get rid of temptation is to yield it" - corrupting thoughts
                    2. Values beauty over anything else
                      1. "I chose my friends for their good looks
                    3. Basil Hallward
                      1. DG "If I were in trouble...I would sooner go to you" - trustworthy - angel on the right shoulder
                        1. His love for Dorian changes the way he sees his art and makes it better
                          1. He idolises Dorian - homoerotic undertones
                            1. "He is absolutely necessary to me" - dependent - hyperbolic
                              1. "Absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself"
                              2. Extremely protective over Dorian and begins to become jealous of DG and LH - more worried of LH influence on DG.
                                1. Trys to get Dorian to repent but his love for Dorian becomes his downfall
                                  1. He represents good morals - he has a good sense of what is right and wrong
                                    1. He does not advertise his status - main focus is his art
                                      1. He prolongs telling Dorian his feelings due to fear of rejection or conviction that homosexual desire is forbidden
                                        1. "I worship you too much. I am punished for it" - partly to blame for DG corruption - foreshadows his impending doom
                                        2. He crushes his own jealousy, class prejudice and his own hopes to see DG happy with Sibyl - Selfless
                                          1. "Life has come between them...his eyes darkened" - ellipses reflects void - marriage got in between them
                                          2. "The painter" - nobody - nameless - detached
                                            1. "I was dominate soul, brain and power" - rule of three - great emphasis
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