Ping Pong Revolution


Basic overview of the Game
Alexandro Andrade
Mind Map by Alexandro Andrade, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandro Andrade
Created by Alexandro Andrade about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Ping Pong Revolution
  1. Ping Pong 2D game based on moving the Player's bar using the mobile device's X, Y and Z axes
    1. Player Bars are located in a GameBoard (device screen)
      1. Player's bars can move only in a X-Y plane
        1. Different devices resolutions for Android, how to handle this ???
          1. Two and only Two players are involved in every single game
            1. High XP earned when winning, low XP earn when loosing
              1. Ball can bounce on the wall
                1. Player Scores when ball passes through one of the screen/gameboard edges
                  1. One Match consists on winning 2 out of 3 rounds
                    1. One Round consists on scoring 3 out of 5 points
                      1. Players can use Power-Ups to gain some advantage over oponent
                        1. Power-Ups
                          1. Enlarge Bar -> Increases the player's bar's size
                            1. Faster Ball -> Increases speed of ball (1 touch)
                              1. Reverse -> Reverses oponents axes (X, Y and Z)
                                1. Curve Ball -> Curves the trajectory of the ball's response for 1 bar touch and 1 wall touch
                                  1. Ghost -> Oponent cannot see his/her bar
                            2. Achieveable by
                              1. In-Game playing (appears in randomly in gameboard)
                                1. Winning some matches
                                  1. In-App purchases
                                    1. Player's Leveling-up
                            3. Awards (like Power-Ups) for Sharing the App via Facebook or any other social media
        2. 2 Playing Modes
          1. Multiplayer
            1. Connectivity through Internet and later Bluetooth
              1. Matchmaking based on Player's XP Level but giving a margin
                1. Rematch available only when two players vote yes
                  1. Higher XP earning compared to Solo Mode
              2. Tournaments
                1. To be defined in a very long-term time span...
                  1. ...but basically players starts at 16th matches and Champion gets a reward
              3. Solo Mode
                1. Vs. CPU
                  1. 3 Difficulty Levels (Easy, Normal and Hard)
                    1. Lower XP earning compared to Multiplayer mode
              4. Game Architecture, Image and Sound Resources are to be defined...
                1. Monetizing
                  1. In-App purchases
                    1. Ads and Banners
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