Modern Ages


My first Mind Map
Lara Martín Iglesias
Mind Map by Lara Martín Iglesias, updated more than 1 year ago
Lara Martín Iglesias
Created by Lara Martín Iglesias about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Modern Ages
  1. Authoritarian Monarchy
    1. Territorial Unification
      1. Marriage Aliances
      2. Control State
        1. Imposed Authority
        2. International Relations
          1. Permanent Embassadors
          2. Permanent Army
            1. Paid Mercenaries
            2. Improved Administration
              1. Bureaucracy
              2. POLICY
                1. Catholic Monarchs; Ferdinand & Isabel.
                  1. Joan the Mad & Philip the Handsome
                    1. Charles I
                    2. Catherine & Henry VIII
                      1. Mery
                    3. Louis XI
                  2. Byzantine Empire dissapearance
                    1. Geographical Discoveries
                      1. Political Causes
                        1. Christian kingdoms expansion.
                          1. Opportunity to: Silver and Gold.
                          2. Economic Causes
                            1. Fall of Constantinople
                              1. Interest in new route to India
                              2. Scientific Causes
                                1. Earth was round
                                2. Technical Causes
                                  1. New inventions: Astrolabe, Compass, Cartography and new types of ship
                                  2. Religious Causes
                                    1. Alliances against the infidel
                                      1. Spreading Christianity to new lands
                                      2. Ideological Causes
                                        1. Thirst of adventure
                                          1. Humanism
                                        2. Protestant Reformation
                                          1. Struggle for European Hagemony
                                            1. Merchantilism
                                              1. Accumulation of capital
                                              2. Humanism
                                                1. Center of Culture
                                                  1. Renaissance
                                                  2. Portuguese Explorations
                                                    1. Treaty of Alcaçovas (1479)
                                                      1. Cape of the Good Hope ( 1487)
                                                        1. Vasco da Gama- India (1498)
                                                        2. The discovery of America.
                                                          1. Capitulations of Santa Fe
                                                          2. New Expeditions
                                                            1. Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
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